Send Money

Who is a payee?

  • The receiver of the funds is called payee. Also known as beneficiary.

How to add a payee?

  • Click on the “View Payees” option on the Dashboard
  • Click on “Add Payee”
  • Enter the required information. You cannot add a payee from the same country you are from(as domestic transactions are not available at the moment).
  • After filling in the details, click on the “Confirm Details” button and the payee will be added. You’ll get a notification email for the same.
  • You can now see the new payee in your Payees’ list.

How to remove a payee?

  • Click on the “View Payees” option on the Dashboard. Payees’ list will appear.
  • Click on the 3 dots icon in front of the payee name.
  • Click on the “Remove Payee” option from the menu that appears
  • Confirm the removal by clicking on the “Remove Payee” button on the confirmation dialog box.
  • Payee will be removed.You’ll get a notification email for the same.

How to edit payee details?

  • Click on the “View Payees” option on the Dashboard. Payees’ list will appear.
  • Click on the 3 dots icon in front of the payee name that you want to edit.
  • Edit the information and then click “Save Details”
  • Details will be updated.You’ll get a notification email for the same.

How to add a payee as a Favourite?

  • Click on the “View Payees” option on the Dashboard. Payees’ list will appear.
  • Click on the 3 dots icon in front of the payee name that you want to add to your “Favourite Payees” list.
  • Click on “Add to Favourite” and the payee will be added to your Favourite list.

Removing a payee from the favourites list

  • Click on the “View Payees” option on the Dashboard. Payees’ list will appear.
  • Click on the 3 dots icon in front of the payee name that you want to remove.
  • Click on the “Remove from Favourite” option from the menu and the payee will be removed from the Favourite Payee list.

Transactions within the same country

  • Right now, you cannot make the transactions within the same country. This feature is made for the sole purpose of international transfers only.

How much can I send?

How to check the history of transfers for a particular payee?

  • If you want to check the History of transfers with a particular payee, then Click on the “View Payees” option on the Dashboard.
  • Payees’ List will appear. Click on the 3 dots icon in front of the payee whose transfer history you want to check.
  • Click on the “Transaction History” option from the menu that appears.
  • All the Transactions with that user will be displayed.

How to check the app’s transfer history?

  • If you want to check the History of transfers, just click on the History button at the bottom of the Dashboard screen.
  • A list containing the app’s complete history will appear.
  • In the list, you’ll be able to see the Receiver’s Name, amount, date and time and the mode of payment.
  • If it’s Green, means the transaction is successful; Red means it’s failed, and Orange means it’s still in progress.
  • Click on any of the history items and you’ll be able to track the app or to see more details like unique transaction numbers and much more.


  • Baelio charges a small fee as the platform charge.
  • There is a small additional transaction fee depending upon the mode of payment that you use. These are the charges that we need to pay to the payment processing companies.
  • All the charges are always transparent and you can see the breakdown of the charges in every transaction while you make it.

What if the transaction fails?

  • First things first, Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.
  • If the transaction fails because of any reason, then, if your account is debited, the funds will be credited back to your used payment method in 3 working days and you'll be informed about that via email or text message.
  • If it’s not resolved in 3 working days, then you can reach out to us at
  • We’ll be always happy to assist you.